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Theory of humankind and coaching

The theory of humankind in coaching
is like the subsoil in building
They determine stability and durability.

Whether I regard children in education as empty vessels that need to be filled with the proper knowledge, of course, or seeing them as independent inquisitive and inquiring beings makes a huge difference.

In coaching the theory of humankind, I have also decided how I work or cooperate with my coachees and the other social systems!

The widespread use of the terms tool or toolbox in coaching always leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth;
because in my coaching, I do not deal with machines that need to be worked on.

In my coaching and the coaching training I offer, I go into a relationship with my counterpart. And when we work together, we will both change. If you are interested in my thoughts, I published a detailed article on this topic yesterday here on LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/systemisches-coaching-eberhard-bohrisch What theory

In my coaching and the coaching training I offer, I am in a relationship with my counterpart. And when we work together, we will both change.

If you are interested in my thoughts, I published a detailed article on this topic yesterday on LinkedIn.

What concept of humanity is founding your work?