Rather in presence?
Where should the journey go?
A three-day presence workshop last weekend convinced me. From now on, I will do more of my work in #Coachingexcellenz in presence.
I enjoyed the three days with interested and committed people „face to face“ in one room. Together, without any time pressure, we worked on the questions and learning we had brought with us and rejoiced together in the progress we had made.
I felt reminded of pre-Corona times, of the many exciting and result-rich face-to-face workshops I was allowed to experience. What was particularly enjoyable was that we could move around the room again and show connections in the space.
Since we were all working in the same room, I felt more connected to the participants and had the impression of being able to understand them more directly. I was no longer dependent on my perception of the two-dimensional image of my counterpart, which was mainly concentrated on the face.
My perceptual system was again able to absorb and process information emanating from the entire body of the others and their spatial position in relation to each other.
Intermediate results of our joint work could remain in the room for all to see, and many did not fall victim to the limited possibilities of a single screen. This created a clear advantage when it came to recognising and presenting connections.
In the final feedback, we all agreed that the now unfortunately unfamiliar situation of working in presence had done us all good and that we would like to see more of it.
I believe that in coaching, it is essential to come into contact with the coachee or the client system in an interested and appreciative way to perceive what is at stake and to look for ways of change.
to look for ways of change,
You, too, can take the freedom, in contact with others or with me as your coach, look at your situation anew and find new ways.
As one of the few active coaches with over 50 years of experience, I offer my whole repertoire of skills to those who want it.