Not only for coaches
Coaching is a core competence for leaders as well.
Herminia Ibarra ended an article in Haward Business Review (2019) as follows:
„They (the managers) need to reinvent themselves as coaches whose job it is to draw energy, creativity, and learning out of the people with whom they work.“
My training programme, „Coaching Excellence – Systemic Coaching“, starts this autumn and is not aimed only at aspiring coaches.
It is also planned for managers who want to learn something new here and who want to improve their career opportunities.
In a small training group of a maximum of seven selected people, we will practice both online and in three classroom sessions the perception of complex structures and an extensive repertoire of possible coaching behaviour.
The small group size allows us to work mainly with the current questions and problems the participants bring to the training from their everyday work.
On 6 October at 19:00, there will be an online information workshop on this training.