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To see how great they do it – these young people!

A pleasure that you can only have as an older adult.
In an earlier post, I already mentioned the gains that old age brings. The pleasure of the commitment and competence of very young people is also one of them.

When I see these young people, it is my grandchildren’s generation, and I am always filled with admiration and great joy at how they approach their lives and face the problems caused by my generation and that of my parents.

Seeing their creativity and intelligence, their bubbling joy of life and their courage makes me happy. They show skills and insights that I, at their age, would not have been able to. It is pure joy!

Sure, they speak a different German than I learned as a child. They listen to strange music and cover their skin with weird pictures and patterns that won’t wash off. Also, against your portable phone-computer, never out of your hand. But what the hell!

When I listen to what they have to say, when I see their love of life and enjoyment of it, when I notice how well-informed they are and how they draw the correct conclusions from it, it makes me happy and confident that this generation could manage to save the world from the catastrophe we have caused.

I was also pleased about the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Thomas Haldenwang, who said a few days ago at the Democracy Forum in Hambach Castle that he was glad that young people were getting involved in politics again.

By young people, he meant the „Last Generation“ activists. He rejected the assessment that their actions could be extremism. The fear expressed by Alexander Dobrindt that there was a danger of the emergence of a new RAF, he described as nonsense.
