International Women’s Day
A good day to say thank you.
Today, on International Women’sDay, I think with admiration and love of all the women who have shaped my life and made it possible.
First of all, my mother, Cläre, who gave birth to me in a time of horror and cared for me until I stood on my own two feet. And I think of Ingeborg, the love of my life, who shared almost 60 years of our lives with me, without whom I would not have become who I am today.
Then I think of our daughters and granddaughters who, like our son and grandsons, are the friends of our lives. They give me hope that this world, against all the current horror, has a good future.
Then I think of the many women I have met as colleagues through the many years and who have made it possible to work successfully for the good of others. First and foremost are the women who worked with me in the capacity of secretaries and who ensured that I was able to approach my work in an orderly and planned manner.
I am thinking above all of the woman who, when I took my first independent job at the employment office in Kaiserslautern, introduced me to the secrets and tricks of a German administration and saved me from making worse mistakes.
I sometimes wonder what would have become of us men if Eve had not had the curiosity and courage to cross the boundary and eat from the tree of knowledge in paradise. It was also she who allowed us men to partake of it in the person of Adam. We would probably still be sitting in the pub today, having the fruits of paradise served to us.
Yesterday, our Jewish sisters and brothers celebrated the festival of Purim, which commemorates how Esther, one of the wives of the Persian king, succeeded in saving the people of Israel from the planned annihilation through her courage.
I believe that coaching is about courage, interest and appreciation of the welfare of others. These are all qualities that, in my experience, especially women excel in.
You too can take the freedom to look at your situation with appreciation and interest, re-evaluate it and then go new ways.
As one of the few active coaches with more than 50 years of experience, I offer my entire repertoire of skills to those who want it.