Coaching competence
What is it, and who benefits from it?
What a strange question, many will think. But, of course, coaches, who else?
That’s right. Of course, every coach should have coaching skills. However, I think all professions interacting with people can benefit significantly from coaching competence.
I want to describe what I mean by coaching competence.
I have coaching competence,
– when I engage with my counterpart in such a way that I not only get the exact content of his message but much more grasp the meaning of what is said for my partner, including the associated feelings,
– when my attitude and my way of dealing with people give them the feeling that they can always rely on me and that I am well-disposed towards them,
– when people I interact with are inspired by our contact to higher creativity and more joy in life,
– when people who have questions about their work, the world and themselves are strengthened by the way I deal with these questions to develop their own answers to these questions,
– when it is obvious to my partners that I am personally interested in clarifying your questions and that I want to promote an answer,
– if the contact with me strengthens the self-confidence and stress resilience of my interlocutors,
– when it is easy for me to put myself in the place of the other person’s way of thinking and life,
– when I find it easy to approach my fellow human beings with trust and love.
For me, these attitudes, behaviours and effects describe people with high coaching competence.
Among the professional groups whose successful representatives show this competence are coaches, counsellors and therapists. But they also include good salespeople, as well as all those who work in educational professions.
As the Google study Oxygen (2008) has shown, this includes, above all, leaders.